Check out these Top 10 most frequent asked questions we get about Generac standby home generators.
1. How much does this cost?
The cost of the unit is situational. You can either choose to back up your entire home or just the essential circuits which are the most used circuits in the home (Fridge, freezer, hotwater heater, furnace, A/C etc). The cost ranges from $9,500 to - $19,000. Each situation needs to be evaluated, so we can give you many options for your home needs.
2. What type of fuel does the backup generator use?
Generac standby home generators run off natural gas or propane. No gasoline or diesel to mess with.
3. Do you have to manually turn on your generator when power goes out?
No! One of the best features of the standby generators is that they are automatic and start running when the loss of utilities occur.
4. How long does it take to restore power to my home after utilities is lost?
Your power will restore within 5 seconds. You will hardly notice any disruption of power.
5. What is the warranty on the Generac standby units?
Generac offer a 5-year "bumper to bumper" warranty on their units. Wagner Electric will honor 3 years for workmanship warranty.
6. Who Covers the warranty?
Wagner Electric is manufactured, trained, and certified to fix all warranty issues. We are local and just a phone call away. Generac is phenomenal and backs their product on anything within that 5 year bumper to bumper warranty.
7. What is the light on the side of Generac?
Generac has created an easy system to monitor if your generator is in working condition. Green means go and the generator is clear of any codes. If the generator light is yellow or red for any reason, there is a code and your generator needs to be addressed.
8. What is a code?
A code is thrown when your Generac is not in clear working condition. You simply lift the lid and look on the bottom right hand side to see the number. If this happens, you would send us the code number and we can get it addressed for you right away.
9. What should I expect when I purchase a Generac from you?
You can expect clear communication and professional installation for our licenses electricians. Our team is committed to answering your questions and making the scheduling, permitting and payment simple. Our technicians will perform a quality install and then walk you thru how your Generac will work when us you lose power. Additionally, you can rest assured to have Wagner Electric on call if any issue arises.
10. Do you offer financing?
Yes, we offer financing through Syncrony! We have all types of options that will fit your needs. We have seen payments as low as $204 per month.